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 AAMN would like to thank our Texas correspondant, Mr. Richard Roesler for all his hard work and dedication in keeping this publication going during our absence.   

Santa Maria Civic and Everybody Can Dance Perform Sleeping Beauty Ballet

---Photos by Barry Sigman  Words by Gina Baccaro-Sigman

June 13-14: The Clark Center in Arroyo Grande was the setting for Tchiakovsky's grand classic, "The Sleeping Beauty" as performed by the Santa Maria Civic and Everybody Can Dance Ballet.  ECD artistic director, Diane Rose Zink, who tirelessly ran rehearsals for the show beginning in February, is no stranger to the ballet.   A dancer herself, Ms. Rose-Zink has been putting on shows with her studio for over 20 years.  Many of her dance students have gone on to become professional dancers.  Unlike other dance studios, ECD is unique in two ways.  First, there are no traditional recitals.  The pinacle of a student's work is shown off by performing a real ballet.  Second, Everybody Can Dance gets its name from its philosophy: when they say "everybody" they mean EVERYBODY.  Students from 3-54 years old and beyond, perform in the ballets.  Who knows?  You too may be pirouetting across the stage in they're next production!  For more information about classes and upcoming performances, call (805) 937-6753 or visit "Everybody Can Dance & Santa Maria Civic Ballet" on Facebook.

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