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 AAMN would like to thank our Texas correspondant, Mr. Richard Roesler for all his hard work and dedication in keeping this publication going during our absence.   

"Heart to Heart" with Kenny Loggins

Singer/songwriter Kenny Loggins, delivered a rousing 90 minute performance to a standing-room-only audience at The Rose, a soulfully elegant venue.  Loggins’ fans ate the honey as he prefaced the singing of Pooh’s Corner with an anecdote about its origin.  His songs started out mellow, progressing into a grinding acoustical of “This Is It”.  At this point, arms where beginning to sway and fans were singing along.   Aside from his talent, Loggins KNOWS how to draw his audience in! Even patrons noshing on fare from the restaurant put down their forks and swallowed their bites so they could participate in his sing-along with Celebrate Me Home. There were so many hits including those he teamed up with Michael McDonald for but there just wasn’t enough time in a 90 minute set to cover them all.  Nevertheless, nothing was lost.  The 69 year old singer’s  falsetto voice did not fail.   He belted out  Danger Zone, shredding those notes like a guy half his age!  One could feel the energy reach a crescendo as the time approached for the encore.  Stage lights flashed and twinkled.  Loggins zipped back on stage with the stealth of a tiger.  The audience cheered. Suddenly, it was 1984 all over again.  The opening riffs of Foot Loose brought the entire house to its feet, dancing and singing along.  Nimble in voice, body and spirit, Kenny Loggins brought it home or...shall we say, to Pasadena?  Although the concert is over, the story doesn’t end here.  Loggins has recently release a children’s book entitled, “Footloose”, available where books are sold.





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